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Category: General gardening topics

Why are My Calla Lilies Drooping?

Why are My Calla Lilies Drooping?

Their long stems and differently coloured blooms fill indoor and outdoor spaces with understated elegance, I am of course talking about one of my favourite plants, Calla lilies. Sometimes, these usually upright plants may become droopy, and this may be caused by several factors that I will talk about below starting with the most common, not enough water, the obvious one but also too much water can also cause wilting: How much water is in the soil? Plants usually have…

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How to grow a magnolia tree?

How to grow a magnolia tree?

Growing a magnolia tree is quite simple and straightforward. Some differences occur as to whether you have a deciduous magnolia tree such as Magnolia Stellata or Susan(most common) or an evergreen one such as Magnolia sieboldii. However, the most important things to know about are the types of soil they need, choosing the best location, and watering, nutrient needs as well as pruning as this can cause magnolias not to flower if done incorrectly. And that the best time to…

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Pests that attack magnolias?

Pests that attack magnolias?

To find out what’s attacking and eating your magnolia plants, you need to get down and close up to the leaves themselves. Maybe even with a magnifying glass. Actually, it’s a good idea to make a point of doing this regularly so you can deal with any bug infestation as soon as it starts. It’s much easier to tackle an infestation while it is small and they have caused limited damage. Here are some of the most common culprits that…

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When do magnolias bloom?

When do magnolias bloom?

Magnolias bloom from spring onwards Magnolias, in general, bloom with their lush colours and sweet scents from early spring to late summer. Different varieties of magnolia have different blooming times within this period. But the large showy flowers always make a splash regardless of whether they’re from trees or shrubs. Magnolia flowers usually open in spring along with the leaves. The leaves are usually large and oval shaped while the shape of the magnolia flowers varies with the variety. They…

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Why is my magnolia not flowering?

Why is my magnolia not flowering?

The three main causes of your magnolia tree not flowering are related to its environment, your care and maintenance of it, and infestations. Have you purchased a suitable variety for your environment? The first thing to check is whether your variety of magnolia is suitable for your local environment. Some varieties do better in warmer climates while others can tolerate cooler places such as Magnolia Stellata and Susan. Read the label that came with the tree to see if your…

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How to look after a lemon tree?

How to look after a lemon tree?

To successfully look after a lemon tree, you need to pay attention to three things: watering, nutrients and the environment. Watering The two main things to keep in mind when setting up a watering schedule for your lemon tree are: They very much dislike a drought-and-flood environment. Their watering needs in the summer and in the winter are very different. Citrus tree gardening experts recommend that you thoroughly water your lemon tree in its summer waterings. They suggest removing the…

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Why is my lemon tree not flowering?

Why is my lemon tree not flowering?

If your lemon tree isn’t flowering, then it doesn’t produce lemons. It takes a lot of energy on the tree’s part to produce the flowers. So anything that interferes with the amount of energy that the tree has affects the number of flowers, if any, that it produces. Not enough sunlight / heat The lemon tree needs between four to six hours of sunlight per day to produce its energy. The best light is from off-peak hours – in the…

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How long does a lemon tree take to grow?

How long does a lemon tree take to grow?

The length of time a lemon tree takes to grow and produce fruit depends on whether you start it from seed or buy a mature or semi-mature tree from the nursery. You’re looking at a few months to up to 10 years. How long does it take a lemon tree to produce fruit? – Once a lemon tree is 3-5 years old, it will be mature enough to produce fruit. If it’s not fruiting, check out my guide here on…

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How to grow lemon trees in the UK?

How to grow lemon trees in the UK?

Imagine needing a lemon for your recipe or for your cocktail and going into your own garden to pluck one off a tree. Knowing how to grow lemon trees in the UK takes a bit of knowledge and practice, but it is doable. I’ve produced a series of articles on the major things to know to successfully grow your own lemon tree. And to keep it healthy from year to year for a continuous supply of fruit. Taking care of…

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How to grow a lemon tree in a pot

How to grow a lemon tree in a pot

Lemon trees aren’t hardy in the UK and you need to grow a lemon tree in a pot to be successful. Here are the important things to know about how to choose a pot, the right kind of soil, and basic care instructions. How to choose a lemon tree pot As long as the pot is big enough for the root of your lemon tree, you have a wide choice of materials to choose from. Pot size Choose a pot…

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