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Month: February 2023

How to revive a buxus plant

How to revive a buxus plant

Buxus (box) plants are hardy specimens. Reviving them depends on what the problem is and what causes in the problem in the first place. Here are some of the most common problems and what to do about them. In addition, I discuss pruning that helps revive your buxus, no matter what’s wrong with it. Waterlogging and root rot Waterlogging of a plant usually occurs when you over-water it. Alternatively, you may be watering the plant just the right amount but…

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Why are my buxus leaves yellow?

Why are my buxus leaves yellow?

Your buxus leaves turning yellow don’t necessarily mean that your plant is in serious danger. It could be due to the plant’s natural life cycle, or how you’re watering or fertilising it. It could be an early sign of under and over-watering, which eventually turns into brown leaves, as discussed in this guide. Carry on reading to learn other reasons and more into watering below: Natural occurrence Sometimes during the colder months, the tips of your buxus leaves may turn…

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Why is my buxus going brown? Sunburn, Frost and Box Blight

Why is my buxus going brown? Sunburn, Frost and Box Blight

Your buxus may be going brown due to environmental conditions or to disease. Taking a close look at the plant helps you figure out what the problem is and how to fix it. One reason that is becoming more common is box blight but more on that further down. I’ll start with the less serious problems. If you have them in pots, the first thing to check is that there getting enough water and if they are, they are not…

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How to plant, grow and care for Buxus (box plants)

How to plant, grow and care for Buxus (box plants)

It’s very easy to plant, grow and care for buxus plants (also known as box plants). Once you’ve spent some time planting them, either in pots or in the ground, they require very little maintenance. Remembering to water them is as tough as their care gets, with just a little pruning but even thats minimal as their fairly slow growing, which is why there also perfect for topiary and small hedges. In this guide, I cover how to plant the…

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Why is my mahonia turning red?

Why is my mahonia turning red?

Your mahonia turning red is an unusual occurrence. These are hardy evergreen plants, tolerant to a wide variety of growing conditions. Some fungal diseases cause the plant to turn red in parts, but fully red leaves are rare. However, I tracked down some problems that may cause your discoloured leaves. Just be aware that in Autumn, parts of the leaves can turn purple which is a natural autumn colour of some mahonias. Variety of mahonia With over 70 varieties, some…

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Why is my mahonia not flowering?

Why is my mahonia not flowering?

Mahonia plants are easy to grow and are very tolerant of a wide range of conditions, they are about as hardy as shrubs come. It’s quite unusual that your mahonia is not flowering. However, you should check its natural life cycle and whether you’re providing the best growing conditions for it. From experience, I have noticed they sometimes won’t flower if the soil is poor draining and waterlogged. They like moist soil but not sopping wet. They also need a…

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Why has my mahonia got brown spots?

Why has my mahonia got brown spots?

The two most common reasons that your mahonia has brown spots are water stress and fungal disease. A third reason may be sunburn, or leaf scorch as it’s known in the plant world. Read on to find out about these problems and what to do about them. The most common is probably the disease rust which is brown spores on the leaves or powdery mildew but this is usually white. Diseases thats cause brown spots on mahonia leaves Two diseases…

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When and how to prune mahonia (x media & aquifolium)

When and how to prune mahonia (x media & aquifolium)

Mahonias only require a light pruning to keep them healthy and in a good shape. Knowing when and how to prune your mahonia depends on the type of shrub that you have. The smaller border growing varieties need less pruning than the taller back-of-the border types. And both need to be pruned after flowering takes place. It’s also important to understand it’s not essential that mahonia is pruned and often do well when not pruned at all. Mahonia classes With…

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Why is my mahonia turning yellow?

Why is my mahonia turning yellow?

Mahonias are easy to grow and they tolerate most conditions. The most probable reason that your mahonia is turning yellow is over-watering. If they are positioned in full sun, they can also turn yellow is the soil is not kept moist. However, it may also be due to a nutrition deficiency or even sunburn. Read the rest of my guide below to learn more about these causes of yellowing leaves on Mahonia shrubs. Water stress Mahonias are not pot plants…

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Why is my orange tree losing its leaves?

Why is my orange tree losing its leaves?

Your orange tree losing its leaves could be a natural occurrence or could be the sign that there’s a problem (or two) with the tree. Read on to see if any of these issues relate to your orange tree’s environment and care, as they could be the cause behind the leaf loss. The most common reason is draughts, the temperature is too cold or too warm as well as overwatering and even underwatering. That being said there are more reasons…

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