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Month: July 2022

When and how to prune rhododendrons

When and how to prune rhododendrons

Rhododendrons don’t need a lot of pruning; even as a professional gardener, I’ve not pruned rhododendrons too often, with the exception of cutting back overgrown or dead sections. You can prune rhododendrons to keep them in shape, remove spent flowers to serve energy, rejuvenate the plant or remove diseased or dead bits. Most pruning is best down bwteen late winter after the first frost and right up to the last frost in spring. This is when they are technically dormant…

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Why are my rhododendron buds falling off?

Why are my rhododendron buds falling off?

The main reason that rhododendron buds are falling off is usually drought or lack of water when grown in pots. Usually, they develop buds around June and July, so ensure they have enough water during this time as they form. More on this below. Drought is not the only cause of bud drop, so in this article, I also identify other causes and what you can do about all of this. Not getting enough water Rhododendrons usually develop flower buds…

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Rhododendron pests and diseases

Rhododendron pests and diseases

I have found that Rhododendrons are quite hardy plants and except for drooping leaves caused by cold winters, mildew and even vine weevil can be an issue as discussed here. Usually, they are generally problem free. That being said, after growing rhododendrons for over 20 years, there is a selection of rhododendron pests including scale insects and vine weevils which can become a problem. There are also a number of diseases that can harm them which I’m always on the…

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How to Treat Rhododendrons with Powdery Mildew

How to Treat Rhododendrons with Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a common disease on many plants, and rhododendrons are no exception but there is one big difference. On Rhododendrons, the white mildew usually associated with powdery mildew often doesn’t develop like on other plants making it sometimes harder to identify. However, the leaves usually develop a yellowish-green or purplish-brown spots or blotches on the surface of the leaves. The good news is that it isn’t necessarily fatal to your plant and can be treated. If you have…

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Why has my rhododendron got brown leaves?

Why has my rhododendron got brown leaves?

Over the years, I have been asked many times about rhododendrons where the leaves have turned brown and sometimes the leaves also appear to be drooping which is covered in a separate guide. Most of the time, having brown leaves on your rhododendron is usually the result of something known as leaf scorch and sometimes even powdery mildew. Leaf scorch is usually caused by very cold weather, especially wet weather where the soil is saturated but also by the complete…

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How to propagate alliums by division and seed

How to propagate alliums by division and seed

The two ways to propagate alliums are through dividing the bulbs and through collecting and sowing the seeds. I cover both these methods in this article. Dividing the bulbs Propagate alliums by dividing the bulbs in early to mid-autumn. Wait until the flowers and leaves have died back. Dig around the plants you want to divide with a trowel. Dig at about 8cm from the bulb clump. It’s a good idea to take these from all around your allium bed….

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When and how to plant and grow alliums

When and how to plant and grow alliums

You should plant your alliums sometime between the start and the middle of autumn but you can also plant them in spring. This article covers how to plant alliums in the ground and also in pots. First things first, plant them in a sunny position, don’t plant them too shallow or too deep, 3-4 times the depth of the bulb and but large quality bulbs. Let’s get started! When to plant alliums Planting alliums in the fall gives them enough…

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Why are my alliums not flowering?

Why are my alliums not flowering?

From personal experence, I have noticed that alliums not flowering is usually caused by problems with the bulbs themselves, what you do with them and from pests and disease. Here are the main causes of non-existent allium flowers and how to deal with them. See also When and how to plant and grow alliums for more information on how to care for your allium plants. Allium bulbs Small and immature bulbs Young or small allium bulbs often do not flower…

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