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Month: April 2022

What and when to feed pieris Forest Flame?

What and when to feed pieris Forest Flame?

Pieris Forest Flame, along with most of the other pieris varieties, needs nutrients to produce enough energy to develop properly. Ensuring this starts with the soil you initially plant it in. It continues on to what you feed the plant during the year. The short answer is Pieris need an acidic feed and ericaceous compost. What soil is best for pieris? All pieris plants thrive in acidic soil. And that’s soil that’s heavily acidic, not close to a neutral pH….

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Why is my pieris losing its leaves?

Why is my pieris losing its leaves?

To find out why your pieris is losing its leaves, you need to do some detective work. The most usual causes of pieris leaf loss are pests, disease, lack of nutrients/alkaline soil, and sunlight. Pests The main bug that’s going to cause your pieris to lose its leaves is the Pieris Lacebug. This is a winged insect that’s named after the pieris shrub as it usually feeds on that. (Well, it does hang out on rhododendrons a bit too.) Look…

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Choisya propagation – How to take cuttings from choisya?

Choisya propagation – How to take cuttings from choisya?

The best way to propagate choisya is by taking semi-hardwood cutting. The best time to take cuttings from choisya’s is around the end of summer. Wait for the new growth on the plant to become firm at the base and still flexible at the top. This softwood is where you take your cuttings from. Preparation Water the choisya plant the day before so that it’s well hydrated. As always when taking cuttings, prepare everything ahead of time.  First of all,…

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Choisya pests and diseases

Choisya pests and diseases

The choisya, aka Mexican orange blossom, is an evergreen plant which has a great advantage going for its well-being – it has scented flowers and leaves when crushed. And its citrus scent, produced in the spring and the end of autumn, works to keep bugs and disease away. You need worry about only a few choisya pests and diseases, and they’re easily dealt with. Pests Slugs and snails These gastropods are the main choisya pests and they prey on young…

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Why are my choisya leaves drooping and turning yellow

Why are my choisya leaves drooping and turning yellow

Choisya, aka Mexican orange blossoms, are hardy plants and aren’t affected by many pests and diseases. However, the few that are their enemies may be the reason your leaves are drooping and turning yellow. Also causing this may be a poor growing environment of soil, water, nutrients and sunlight. If it’s not pests causing wilting and yellowing leaves the next most likely cause is actually poor drainage as choisya don’t like getting their feet wet. More on this below. Poor…

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Why is my choisya dying? Possible reasons and treatment

Why is my choisya dying? Possible reasons and treatment

I’ve already covered the reasons why choisya leaves may become yellow and droop in Why are my choisya leaves drooping and turning yellow? However, if your Mexican orange blossom plant is in much worse condition than that, you may be right that it’s dying. Please also read my Choisya pests and diseases article as some of the issues discussed there could also result in the plant dying. So, if you’ve ruled out pests, diseases, growing environment, nutrients, watering and sunlight,…

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How to grow choisya plants – general care. pruning, feeding, mulching

How to grow choisya plants – general care. pruning, feeding, mulching

Here are the essential things to know about how to grow choisya shrubs successfully also known as the Mexican orange blossom. Choisya are hardy evergreen plants that don’t require much maintenance. Just spend some time to get their initial placement and care right. You’ll be rewarded with many blooms and leaves in spring and often again in autumn. Why do I love choisya shrubs? Also known as the Mexican orange blossom, the choisya plant has evergreen foliage throughout the year….

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How to Propagate Lilies – 5 Methods

How to Propagate Lilies – 5 Methods

There are many fascinating things about lilies, such as the number of ways you can propagate them. You can increase the number of lilies in your garden in a variety of ways without purchasing anything or involving yourself in a complex process. Today, I discuss the simple ways I have propagated lilies from sowing seed I collected in the fall to dividing bulbs and a method known as scaling. Growing lilies using seeds Lily seeds are easily accessible and are…

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How to grow lilies from seed

How to grow lilies from seed

Growing your own lilies is an experience in itself, especially with so many hybrids available offering various colours and flower sizes. It may take a while for the plant to mature, but once it matures, you get to relish the beauty of lilies through the seasons. Are you curious about how you can grow lilies from seeds? Take a few minutes, and read through this article to find out how I this: Firstly, I always recommend trying to grow lilies…

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How to Grow Lilies in Pots

How to Grow Lilies in Pots

Growing lilies in pots is the easiest way to control the soil environment and make them easier to move indoors for winter such as into a cold greenhouse or cold frame. Lilies are normally easy plants to grow, especially while using bulbs compared to seeds that take longer. Growing them in pots also makes them suitable for ornamental purposes around your property depending on the style of pots you choose. Those interested in growing lilies in pots will find the…

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